Thursday, 30 May 2019

Little Red Riding Hood with a twist.

Once upon a time there was a girl called Red Riding Hood and she lived in a house beside a huge forest and it was shrouded in darkness. One day Red Riding Hood had to deliver bread to her Grandma. Before she delivered it she packed the bread for her grandma before she went into the forest. First she walked in the spoooky forest. The wolf was stalking his prey and his prey was Red Riding Hood. He was following Red Riding Hood to her grandmas house, since the wolf knew where grandma lived. He went there and he opened the door and he sneaked in and grabbed grandma and out her in thencupboard. Next he hid in the shadows. But he felt bad. So he told Red Riding Hood that grandma was in the cupboard. Next grandma made a cup of tea when she was out of the cupboard and they all became friends With the wolf. Finally the wolf left but he often returned to visit grandma and drink tea. 

The end. 

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Sophie the fairy

This is my character and my character name is Sophie.Sophie is a fairy and she has a magical wand that glows in the dark it helps her see in the dark.She has a red t-shirt and blue shorts and she has beautiful wings that help her fly fast.She has yellow boots that glow in the dark and they help her jump over high fences.Sophie   Personality is nice because she helps animals by feeding hungry cats and taking dogs for walks.

Fairy Sophie

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Junior Journal

l did not like this book because  talk to me  two days to  finish it.